You Can Help.
People just like you are needed to teach workshops and share your faith journey. We invite you to join a mission team or take an individual trip.
All LEAMIS projects are funded by donations. Donations can be made by PayPal (click on the link below) or by check. In addition, much of your online shopping can provide a donation that costs you nothing more! Shop more than 600 stores through www.iGive.com/leamis and the store will send LEAMIS a donation.
If you prefer to send a check, our address is:
P.O. Box 104292
Jefferson City, MO 65110
When using PayPal, just list our email address: info.leamis@yahoo.com
Amazon Smile
Online Purchases
Some of the businesses that participate in this program are:
Amazon.com, the Apple Store, Armani Exchange, Babies “R” Us, Best Buy.com, Blockbuster, Bloomingdale’s, Chef’s, Eddie Bauer, Florist.com, Franklin Mint, Gevalia.com, GNC, Hilton Hotel, Home Depot, L.L. Bean, Office Depot, Pet Smart, Ralph Lauren, Sears, Sierra Club, Starbucks, Toys R Us, Turbo Tax, Walgreen’s, and Williams-Sonoma.