Filtration Systems and Chlorination Units

LEAMIS train members of the local churches in the installation of water purification systems. The system we recommend includes a bio-sand filter and a chlorination unit. The system is perfect for churches, orphanages, schools, and clinics.

A bio-sand filter is used to remove sediment and parasites from the water. It consists of sand and gravel. The filtered water is then treated with the Purine which is produced by the chlorination unit. We are currently using a chlorination unit available from Hayes Pure Water for All (

The chlorination unit uses common table salt and can be powered by a car battery or a small solar battery. The Puride produced can meet the drinking and cooking needs of over 4,000 people per day.

The Puride can also be used to “sweeten” pit latrines and for sanitizing cooking utensils, counter tops, etc.




